Character is destiny, Heraclitus, Greek philosopher wrote.
Increasingly, Human Resources Professionals are seeking people of strong character to fill up positions of significance in organizations. There is good character. There is bad character. It suffices to say that nobody is totally good and we all have weak points and lapses that are either manageable or prominent in defining the detriment of our entire make up! The core of a person is a mixture of certain undeniable factors: genetics, parenting, mentors, associations and to some extent core beliefs.
Good character is not expressed in bluster and aggression at work or in organizational activity. It can be found more in resilience and adaptability. The image that comes to mind is the utensil factory where tools are made under red hot heat that enables them to take certain shape. The heat does not destroy them, it shapes them and helps create shapes and marks that are indelible and useful. Such is the strong character that is sought in organizational development. Managers and executives must be able to give and bend and still retain the overall shape required for progress and success. Bad character is easily corruptible and swayed from the main focus or goal of the establishment in many cases by pettiness and distractions that are costly and account for little movement towards organizational goals and objectives. This is the character we are wont to avoid!
In adversity, good character retains presence of mind. It does not lose focus on the project or task at hand.
In adversity, good character retains presence of mind. It does not lose focus on the project or task at hand. It is much like the war of attrition in which one side has fewer combatants than the other. History has shown that victory is not always in numbers, but can rather be found in strategy and resilience. There could be distractions like a lack of adequate resources, subtle or radical changes in environment, and disappointments from associates or customers. Whatever serves as a distraction from the required course of action is taken in the stride of the person with strong character and a way through is either found or made. It is much like the construction engineer who is clearing a virgin forest for the building of a major road or highway. He finds himself face to face with a boulder that is obstructing his way. Normally, the thing to do is examine options that are available: Blast it out of the way, build the road, around, over or through the boulder! What is important is that the project must go on and where it is absolutely possible, at no additional costs, keeping to the time allotted to the process.
Keeping your presence of mind in tune with strong character means a few things that border on the moral point of view: Keeping your word, no matter what. If you promise to meet a deadline; agree to supply a certain amount of goods; commit to time frames for a meeting or event; consent to spend an amount of money on a project: It is important that you keep your word. Your word should be your bond. Good character means you do not break your promises and commitments except in extreme circumstances where it’s totally beyond your control, and even when that occurs there should be a viable explanation for it.
Patience is a virtue that is strongly linked to good character. When a project, idea or process is not going exactly the way it was planned, giving up is not an option. Strong character which is good is patience to determine what is missing; what can be done to make it right; does the project require more time, expertise or refinement? If one process did not work out, are there others that will? If we do a search of possibilities and approaches would it help the process? Patience in this sense means not easily giving up when things do not go exactly the way we planned them. Part of the credentials of good character also requires the ability to organize material and put it to work on behalf of an organization. It is important that we are not too easily overwhelmed when we are saddled with tasks that seem daunting and enormous in proportions. Take whatever is thrown at you in bits. An organized person hardly ever comes out traumatized. Plan the process; schedule the material in such a way that it can be accomplished on a calendar, timeline or diary with the assent of those who supervise you.
Do you have the ability to complete what you have started? Can you see the project through to the end, no matter what it takes? Finishers are required under the realms of good character. No matter how demanding the task may be, concluding on a good note is major requirement. If you began a process why not see it through to the very end? Such determination is what is distinctive among people of strong character. People with good character like to finish what they started.
The eagle’s affinity to purposeful flight is the bottom line of strong and good character. Find it and exploit it. Strong character always wins in the workplace.
Today’s work environment requires that people work in teams and groups. The essence is we are expected to pool our skills and talent and take turns on task in what is referred to as situational leadership in order to ensure that all the skills and talents of every relevant person in the organization are exploited to the fullest in order to attain the goals that are set for us.
As the colours of peoples eyes in different parts of the world vary, so do the traits that project our character. Some people are introverted others are extroverted. What is important is that they are able to live up to the expectations when the demand is placed upon them. An introverted person, who loves to stay alone, be reclusive in nature and feels ill at ease in the crowd, should be able to lead his team, motivate groups to work and meet deadlines. In essence, his mannerism and dispositions should not affect his overall performance at work. The extrovert that is used to being loud, the centre of attraction and the live of the room needs to be more empathetic in his relationships with people. It is not enough to command attention and be liked. A deeper understanding of people that requires patience, observation and understanding would help the extrovert get along more than just relying on skills of interaction. Williams James, Harvard psychoanalyst said: “the deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” Everyone wants to be recognized for what he has done no matter how minute such recognition might be. The bottom line of motivation is telling people how well they have performed at a task. But of course, they have to perform the task before we tell them how well they have done it. Not every person who oversees a group will have the patience to inspire and motviate every day and every step of a task or process, so most human resource practitioners seek to find people who can stay motivated and inspired by themselves. Let us face it, if you have to wind the troops up every time you plan an attack, what happens the day you cannot do it? So, right from the outset we must look for eagles that will soar and not ducks that will wallow. The eagles require a little prodding before they take off and fly high, the ducks only fly when they are afraid. The eagle’s affinity to purposeful flight is the bottom line of strong and good character. Find it and exploit it. Strong character always wins in the workplace.
*Ogundadegbe is a renowned management consultant. He trains managers and executives in the arts of Customer Service, Human Resources Management and Management strategy ([email protected]).