It is always amusing seeing how seriously some of our people here take the business of politics. I mean, some of these people are largely insignificant bit-players in the game, at best. But here, they have arrogated to themselves outsized roles.
They have assumed onto themselves a sense of self-importance in the game, that they take upon themselves the unassigned role of taunting, insulting, slandering people who don’t even know they exist, people who they don’t know beyond them being public figures or those who just happen to share this platform with them.
Yet, they think it is in their place to call these people out, simply for their political preferences or persuasion. They take it upon themselves to assume motives for whatever writes or does not write. They think that is what politics is about. They assume that the aberrant behaviour of some public figures in politics is the standard.
Those they think they are supporting do not know them. Those who matter in the scheme of things don’t know them.
They are misled into assuming that politics necessarily means an abhorrence for decency or civility, so they take to making enemies for themselves, unnecessarily antagonising those who have not offended them, assuming to themselves that in so doing, they are serving the interest of whatever politician they are supporting. What do they know?
Those they think they are supporting do not know them. Those who matter in the scheme of things don’t know them. Those who know those who matter don’t know them, yet they are busy making enemies of those who, unknown to them, might even belong to the categories they don’t belong to. That is why if and when the meal is done, it is often those they consider to be outsiders that end up as insiders. If only they know.
READ ALSO: Losing friends to power, By Simbo Olorunfemi
Apart from the amusement value of the nonsense and bitterness that make it to the public space, at the top, the wall of divide that supporters assume are there in the political space are either not that high or only exists in the imagination of those who watch from the outside.
I laugh at some of the outlandish and often childish insinuations some pass around here, as informed commentary, on what they know nothing about. One can only laugh.
Yesterday, I put up my 2021 article, “A City of the Sea”. Whereas many celebrated it as confirmation of what is possible with the right synergy between a visionary private sector and a political leadership with foresight and presence of mind, the only thing that came to the mind of one of the people here is politics – Osinbajo and Tinubu. In his mind, in the article which was clearly indicated as having been written in 2021, I, as a PYO man, dodged mentioning Tinubu in it.
That is why if and when the meal is done, it is often those they consider to be outsiders that end up as insiders. If only they know.
I don’t know what some of these people drink, but whatever it is, one of the side-effects is quite obvious. We now have people, who can’t even tell their right from left, trapped in trenches they have dug for themselves, only listening to echoes in their bubbles, assuming enemies of those simply minding their business.
While you are busy shooting arrows at imaginary enemies here, those you assume to be enemies are realigning along new interests. Afterall, there are no permanent friends or enemies in politics. If there was any doubt to that aphorism, Fani-Kayode is evidence that is something to take to heart, when taking on the unassigned role of picking on assumed enemies of your political leader on this platform.