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Catalyst that’ll push fintech to the next height, By Rarzack Olaegbe

Rarzack Olaegbe

The material could replace rare metals. It could lead to economical production of carbon-neutral fuels. This electrochemical reaction splits apart water molecules. It produces oxygen. It is at the heart of multiple approaches. It produces alternative transportation fuels. But a catalyst facilitates its reaction. It requires the use of rare element. And expensive elements. One of these elements is iridium. Iridium limits the potential of such fuel production.

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new type of catalyst material. It is called a metal hydroxide-organic framework (MHOF). It is an inexpensive and abundant component. It allows engineers to tune the catalyst’s structure to the needs of a particular chemical process. It matches or exceeds the performance of conventional more expensive catalysts.

Mobile payment has a special place in the fintech environment. The underbanked depends on this channel. The trend can even put an end to the use of traditional wallets.

These findings appeared on February 24, 2022 in the journal, Nature Materials. Oxygen evolution reactions are common to the electrochemical production of fuels. And chemicals. These processes include the generation of hydrogen as a by-product of the oxygen evolution. This is fuel. It can produce other transportation fuels.

On the one hand

Mobile payment is a catalyst that is transporting the fintech industry. Yes, the fintech industry has undergone significant changes. This is due to the appearance of numerous fintech-startups. The number has continued to grow. But innovations have come through technology specialists. Through people who aim to offer better user experience. As such, mobile payment has become a catalyst for the new wave of growth in the industry.

Mobile payment has a special place in the fintech environment. The underbanked depends on this channel. The trend can even put an end to the use of traditional wallets. Joey Richard, writing in, says mobile payment has created new opportunities for businesses and individuals. It has helped them to manage money more efficiently and effectively. “Thanks to mobile payment technology in the fintech space. Many of the most cumbersome and complex financial processes have become more accurate. Simple and efficient”.

Many people are still used to the traditional wallets. But Google, Apple, and Samsung have already introduced their own versions. Soon, the global population will embrace mobile payment. For instance, PayPal Holdings is a market leader. This is due to its web platform. Not its mobile wallet apps. While it’s easier to make transactions these days, research shows, security questions rise along the way.

Many mobile applications enable users to make transactions in one-two clicks. But this simplicity makes them less secure. Experts have voiced their views on this. So the protection of user authentication and protection against fraud becomes more complex. But some catalysts could push fintech to the next height.

Obviously, fintech is no more about payments again. Online credit and stock markets are competing with the banks. Research shows that mobile payment has allowed the banks and other financial institutions to improve their services. It provides the customers with innovative services. It offers new products. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has attracted more people to mobile payment.

On the other hand

Sanjay Singh, founder and CEO at Technource says financial services have revolutionized the advent of Artificial Intelligence. Numerous transformations in the way money is being handled. AI helps a business to analyse huge volumes of data to gain new information and insight. It helps businesses to discover new patterns and enhance the decision-making process.

The high efficiency has fuelled the growth of finance development ideas. “It’s hard for consumers to fathom the contributions that AI has already made to businesses all over the globe. Yet the digital world that connects people makes the connection between us more prevalent. A higher connection between AI and fintech can help fight financial crime with ease. This will assist fintech to reach new heights.”

He notes that the collaboration rate between AI development companies and fintech services will rise high in Asia and Africa. However, algorithmic trading and Blockchain are becoming catalysts. Too. Research shows that few things have changed in the stock market. Investors are keen on adopting new methods. Algorithmic trading is one of them. Regulation barriers, however, are still stiff in some countries.

The banks’ challenge is how to make customers feel safe about entrusting their personal data to these technologies. Once this challenge is over, the fintech industry will move to the next heights.

For instance, after the success of Blockchain network infrastructure, IBM, Microsoft and others have intensified their interest in Blockchain. This may cut the security threats. Because of these catalysts, the banks are creating a powerful network. The banks are responding to a rapid development of the fintech industry. The banks are adopting time-tested technologies. The banks’ challenge is how to make customers feel safe about entrusting their personal data to these technologies. Once this challenge is over, the fintech industry will move to the next heights.

From this side

What about the catalysts?

Big mummy, the catalysts will propel the move. It will happen.


It is a matter of time. We have left where we were pre-Covid-19. And like the metal hydroxide-organic framework, the catalysts will facilitate the next growth.

*Olaegbe ([email protected])

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