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The wealthy are few, By Alex Ogundadegbe

Alex Ogundadegbe

The wealthy are few. The poor are in multitudes. And even though the poor outnumber the wealthy, 65 people on the world’s richest peoples’ list according to earn more than the rest of the over 7billion people who inhabit planet earth. It’s a tragedy to be poor in this world. It’s worst to be poor, enlightened and brilliant. The first group of poor has the challenge of being in lack or need consistently. In many cases they lack amenities that are taken for granted in other parts of the world: pipe-borne water, electricity, mobile phones, computers access to health care delivery and security. The second group of poor tend to suffer more not because they lack these things listed, but because they understand why they are poor and often find themselves helpless to do anything about it.

In many situations that the people find themselves on this planet earth, wealth sets the agenda and poverty fulfills it. There are three evils that dominate the world where a lot of money is made and all the sophistication of law enforcements combined the world over has not been able to put these evils to a halt: Gun running, slavery/human trafficking and drug dealing. They are all described as evil here because all three of them lead ultimately to the oppression of the human being and sometimes death but bring wealth to a small number of people who are willing to take great risks and precautions to guide their trades.

In many situations that the people find themselves on this planet earth, wealth sets the agenda and poverty fulfills it.

Wherever there is a war in this world, there are a few people who are smiling to the bank. The AK 47 semi automatic assault rifle is the Third World’s most ubiquitous weapon; police and soldiers carry it in several countries in South America and Africa. Beyond this well known weapon there are numerous others that are on sale in open market. As long as the money is available weapons can be bought and shipped to any part of the world. The dealers are in many cases multi billionaires who can break the trade rules of countries and get their commodities to the customers without hindrance. The sale of weapons is known to lack any form of morality, not because the dealers are known as merchants of death alone, but because in major conflicts around the world, some dealers have been known to sell weapons to both sides fighting and war and therefore end up profiting from the misery that comes from it all.

Weapons dealers are not always private individuals making a monstrous living and living in luxury that their bloody trade permits them, some of them are heads of governments in major countries who supply weapons to create conflict, strife and the control they desire in the third world.

The trade of flesh which refers to prostitution and slavery also fetches numerous amounts of money but in India it could refer to actual trade of the flesh. A March 2017 investigation reveals that a trade between Nepalese and Indian women could result in as much as 20 inches of skin for $155 for plastic surgery and skin grafts. The skin finds its way into tissue banks from where it is exported for use by plastic surgeons in major countries in the world.

*Ogundadegbe is a renowned management consultant. He trains managers and executives in the arts of Customer Service, Human Resources Management and Management strategy ([email protected]).

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